You will find some of the camera brands and models we regularily work on below:
In the following listing you find the camera models and lenses we repair:
AGFA Isolette, Superisolette, Billy Record
FUJI GS 645, GW 690,lenses.
HASSELBLAD 500er serie C/M – motorcameras, lenses C/CF, magazine A12 etc.
LEICA R3 series, M series, lenses R+M.
LINHOF Technica, 4×5 to 13×18 lenses.
MINOX 35 35-GT.
MAMIYA M 645, 220/330, M series 6/7, RB, rollfilm holder, lenses.
MINOLTA Autocord, SRT serie, CLE, XE,XD, lenses.
NIKON FE,FM, lenses.
OLYMPUS OM 1, OM 2, lenses.
PENTAX Spotmatic, K series, 6×7 series, lenses.
PENTACON Pentacon Six ,Exakta 66, ZEISS JENA lenses.
PLAUBEL Makina 67, 670.
ROLLEI Rollei 35, Rolleiflex (twin lens), Rolleicord, lenses.
VOIGTLÄNDER folding cameras, Bessa.
YASHICA Yashica Mat, lenses.
ZEISS-IKON Ikonta, lenses.
large format shutters Copal, Compur, Prontor
More cameras upon request.
We are happy to address your queries in a personal exchange or by telephone . Please do not hesitate to contact us, we also speak English and French .
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